Sunday, April 18, 2010

My life in Jackson

I feel like I am kinda getting the hang of this whole living alone thing. It feels so liberating that I can do things without the help of others. I know that in reality whenever I have a problem the first thing that I do is call my mom and get her advice or the solution to the problem, but hey, its a first step right? I just feel like my these last few weeks, I have been doing things to feel like me. Ever since college basketball, I have felt very lazy. It's that kind of feeling that you really know you should be doing something, but since there is nobody telling you "to jump" you don't have to say "how high". It was a refreshing feeling at first, knowing that I didn't have any obligations to go to practice or stay in shape over the summer. Well, until just recently the feeling of "I don't have to" turned into "but I want to".
In the last week, I have joined a church softball league, a "tennis club" (if you will) and started working out with Candra Pennington and Celeste Edworthy. This is all very funny to me because first of all, I have played softball maybe 3 times in my life. Last week at batting practice I was almost completely convinced that it was going to be the most horrible thing that I could have imagined; but guess what, I wasn't half bad. I mean I could definitely use some work, but I hit all but two balls! Catching on the other hand, well we wont go into that. I will keep practicing and see if I end up a decent softball player. Our games will be on saturdays so I am pretty pumped!!
Ok, tennis. I am not really sure how it turned from going to play tennis one day to us starting a tennis club, but I am kind of glad it did. Who knew tennis was such a great sport. It is rough on the knees and I will have to be very careful of that, but all in all it is a good supplemental workout and fun to do with friends! We are getting shirts made and everything...yay! Im excited!
After our first tennis session, we went over to Melanie, Candra and Jessie's house because they were making some fried chicken. Yes, the did it the real way! They got a chicken, and took all the insides out, made some batter and fried it! It was very good I must admit! The also made mac and cheese, potatoes, rolls and some sweet tea! How about that for some country cooking! Anyway, back to the story.. Candra started talking about how she wanted to run a half marathon and that she started that day. She said that she ran 1/4 of a mile and then fell in to a pond type thing. (Let me just say that she claimed it did not look like it had ANY water in it...well, I saw it today, and lets just say that I don't know how she thought that it was dry). Anyway, I told her that I would run with her, and that I needed to get back in shape. I really do like running, but it is soo hard to run by yourself. So we decided that it was a good idea, and made a plan to meet Friday and run. She did awesome the first day!! She ran 3/4 of a mile!! I was soo proud because she wanted to stop but kept running!
This morning, I went to church and then the singles group went to Taco Bell to finish a conversation that we were talking about in Sunday School. Needless to say that didn't happen, but the food and company was very good. Celeste, Candra and I then went to see "The Last Song". I am not a huge Miley Cyrus fan but I really wanted to see this movie. It was good, very sad (I cried, no surprise there) but very good. Then we went for a little run. Celeste decided to join our training session, it was great, the more the merrier! We got to the park, walked a lap and then stretched, ran a mile and then walked 3 more laps. All and all 3 miles and Candra ran a mile!! We made a goal to run in the Strawberry Festivals 5k in 3 weeks. Hopefully we will be ready, but at the rate we are going, I am sure we will fine!
Tomorrow is the start of my FOURTH month on my internship! That means that I am already half way done!! It is crazy! I feel like I just got here and that I am just now starting to plug into things. Like I said earlier, I feel like me. I have always been better when I am busy...when I always have something going on and now that I do, I feel like I can and will function better. Well, I have to go write a book report now. It should be fun...ya know since I haven't written one since probably the 4th grade! Hope everyone has a great week!! Before I leave, I just want to mention on thing for y'all to think about. How loud is the volume in your life? Can you hear God through the noise that you are making on a day to day basis? I know I should work on this and focus on God more. Try to do that this week :)

Friday, March 12, 2010

Week 8 already!?!?!

I have chosen this very inspirational picture to put on my blog because I felt it was necessary. I felt like this week, this is what kept me going. And even though I don’t drink 100% French Roast, I definitely drink to much Starbucks™ coffeeJ.  This week I really felt like I was coming in to my own as a beginning therapist (I don’t feel like I am any where close to where I need to be but this week I really felt like this is truly where I need to be). It’s funny that I am just now realizing this. I can explain. Going through school, you have to take theory and aural skills and every other class that is necessary for being a music major. You sit and think how much work it is and if you really want to complete it. The best advice I got from a former undergrad is just keep going, because the actual profession is nothing like school, but far greater. I took their advice and kept plowing through school, struggling at must admit. True to their advice, the profession is nothing like school, and it is truly wonderful. Doubt creeps into your head; are you are doing things 100% correctly? Do I sux at this?  I am beginning to feel more comfortable with some of the clients I have been working with and I couldn’t be happier. It’s funny that leading a music therapy session can turn to be a sort of therapy for you also. I always love the coming out of a session, knowing how good it was; and if it was bad, that it has the potential to be better next time.
            I can’t believe this is the eighth week of my internship. I went from (two weeks ago) working with maybe three clients, to this week working with ten! I am very excited to working with them more, and finding out about them. I only have four months left!!! That’s CRAZY! At this time, I am really contemplating on whether to go back and get my master’s or not. I will have to talk to my dad about it, and decide what would be the best course of action. I would really like to get a degree from online. It would definitely cut down on living costs and I could figure out where to work. A job is always a good thing to pray about and let God lead you to where you need to be at.
            On to the next subject…this CD we are recording. I am kind of excited that I get to be part of such a great project. The more and more we practice, the more personality we get and the greater the song becomes. The clients did such a great job writing these, and even though I only know one, you can really tell the personality of each by their lyrics. Today is recording day and we have five hours to get a ton of stuff done. We can do it if we come prepared to work and are focused (I realize that we have some problems with staying focused in the late afternoon, but still)
I will update everyone on how the recording goes and put some pictures up later!! 

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A lot to catch up on...

Well...once again, it's been a while since I have written. I still have a lot to say but don't know if today is gonna be the day to say it all. I will do what I can in 20 minutes before lunch time :)

The first subject I would like to touch upon is my guinea pig, Bone Crusher. We have had some up's and down's. He was sick, so I took him to the vet where she gave him antibiotics, and this stuff called critical care. Basically, I had to feed him and give him antibiotics through a syringe for seven days. After the seven days were up he seemed to be doing much better, then he wasn't. He quickly took a turn for the worse. I made another appointment to the vet, set to be that Friday. I was really worried about him because he was not even eating when I gave him food, and not drinking. As I was on the way to the vet, he died in the car. I was devastated. I came back to work, not really knowing what else to do. My co-workers are just amazing and gave me a lot of comfort, but somehow nobody could make me feel any better about the situation. I was a wreck the rest of the day but decided that I needed some closure. I wrapped him in a towel and put him in a box topped with the flowers that were still alive from Valentines day. The next morning, I went to Target to buy a shovel and then Carrie and I buried him in the woods under a really pretty tree. My dad made him a cross, which my mom sent up in a care package, and last Wednesday, we had a memorial service for him. So I would like to thank Amanda, Melanie and Carrie for the support after the loss of Bone. I know that I already have a picture of him on here, but since this is a totally different situation, I will put another one on here :) 

I am planning on getting another guinea this weekend, but no other will ever be the same or as special.

Well, my birthday is coming up and I get to go home! I am soo excited! I will be getting in Thursday the 25th around 8 and leaving Sunday afternoon. I am really hoping to see as many people as possible! Maybe go out to eat on Saturday or something. I will let you all know.

My internship is going great! I am learning so many things that I am just kind of on overload these days. I am learning so many  new songs and cool things in general on the guitar.The people here are awesome, and Jackson is not the most horrible place to live. The weather is finally getting decent; we haven't had any snow days in a while. I am looking forward to spring!! I am saddened by the fact that I don't have spring break this year, buuuut I'm a big girl now, so I guess it beat spring break.
I have also met some really awesome people! I have been going to a church in Humboldt (First Baptist) and have been really enjoying it. The people are awesome and have opened their arms to me and treat me as if I have been there forever. This makes living here a lot easier.

Well, it's almost time for lunch and I am huuuungry. I will write soon! Hope everyone has a great day!

Monday, February 22, 2010

just lazy!

do you ever have those moments when you have a lot to say, but don't have the want to say them. That's how I am feeling today. I will try again later at an attempt to let you all know what is happening :) until then, have a great day!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Another snowy day

Well, here I am again home because of the snow we are supposed to get. I am amazed at how often places close around here. I am very aware that the weather is supposed to get pretty horrible later on but I mean we could have had a half day...something! Since I got up this morning, Carrie and I decided to go on a journey (in the snow) to Starbucks and Walmart. We didn't want to waste the opportunity for coffee :). After that great adventure, I came home and took a nap. I must say that I am pretty lucky (or it is pretty bad) that this is the beginning of my 4th week in Jackson and I haven't had a full week of work yet.

On a completely other note, don't you love talking to old friends? I was on the phone for 3 hours last night with my best friend. We hadn't talked in a while because...well that's a whole other story. It was weird, I assumed since we hadn't talked for a while that it would be awkward. It was the most comfortable I haven't felt talking to anyone in a really long time. No matter what happens I know that he will be my best friend through thick and thin. It makes me smile to think about it :)

Sooo what i'm I going to do today (even though the day is half over). I have been just hanging out watching movies and sleeping. I love it when you don't have anything else to get done so you can have a day like this. I'm going to workout before the storm is (supposedly) going to hit. Well, thats it for today! I will update you all later :) Have an amazing day and remember...Look to God first, always!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

It's all Coming Together

well, many of you know that I have been looking for a church home since I have been in Jackson. I have only been here two weeks but I feel like if I just plugged in somewhere, then I would be more comfortable with my life situation. Talking to Carrie (another intern at the STAR center) and Melanie (a music therapist that works at STAR), they mentioned that they had bible study on Wednesday nights. I asked if I could go with them to see what kind of church it was and to get out of the house, but more importantly I was in desperate need of God's word. Reading the bible is something that you can do by yourself and take from it what you can. I love going to bible study because not only are you studying God's word, you are learning from what others are doing and how you can apply it to your own life and for learning something like the bible, you need all the help you can get.

When we got into the group and started talking, Dustin, the group leader, said that he wanted to really start a group that had a vision. Let me back up, the group that we were in is for that awkward age where you have graduated (or almost graduated) and are in the work force, but don't have a family of your own. So since we are at that age where things are changing, and we have different worries and focuses on life, Dustin thought it would be a good idea to basically do our own thing. Well going on, there were a lot of ideas thrown around about what we could do to make the group dynamic be more close knit. One idea was starting our own praise and worship (they usually praise and worship with the college group downstairs and then come up for bible study). Long story short, Carrie volunteered to lead praise and worship and I volunteered to help. Melanie was not there at the time but we kinda volunteered her too. They called us the STAR center So I will let you know how all that goes. :) Another good day at work so far..even though it is only 10:15. Creative Arts at 11 then basically finished for the day!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Starting Anew

Well...yet again...I have not written anything in a long time. I never really had time or just didn't think about it which is totally understandable. I have moved to Tennessee for my 6 month internship. Just in case you don't know what my major is and have no idea what I am doing my internship in it's music therapy.

But before I go into all that I will tell you all about my eventful holiday. Since I worked at Sports Authority in Denton I had to stay a little longer than I wanted to after school let out. I am pretty sure that I got home like the 20th or something. When I got home my parents and I went on my shopping sprees to get those last few gifts for everyone. I always enjoy going shopping with my parents. Not only do they give good gifts...but all around they are just some pretty amazing people! We also drove up to San Marcos for the day to have a pre-Christmas with my grandparents. The whole family ended up being there (except my brother :( and his girlfriend ) which was soo cool. I always love it when my whole family is together! It makes me so happy. So we came home and got ready for Christmas! It was weird not having my brother around this year. (the pic is of (left to right) my cousin, me and my  brother

He moved out and even though I don't live there, when I am home I just expect him to be there. I know he is happy where he is and I am so happy for that..we even get along better than we ever have before!
It was especially weird on Christmas Eve and Day . We usually open one present at night and sit around listening to music after my mom get back from church. This year after my mom and I got back we just all kind of did our own thing. The next morning just like tradition, my dad cooked a huge breakfast! We waited for my brother to get to the house, ate, and then started the opening. I got some awesome stuff! I was totally surprised at the amazing necklace that my aunt got me. It was totally surprising because when my mom, aunt , cousin and I went to look at the diamond exhibit, I fell in love with it at the gift store. I will have to take a pic of it and put it on here. I also got my iphone!!!! I was soo happy and I loooove it! Seriously, if you are thinking about getting one, DO IT!
The rest of the break was kind of a blur. I was so busy with getting ready for Tennessee and seeing all the people that I wanted to see that time just raced by. Our annual New Years party was a great success again, and I didn't get burned by a firework this year (always a plus). All in all the break was awesome..and much needed. January came, and since I was still homeless, my parents decided it was about time to change that. We flew to Little Rock and rented a car. This was not the best plan since it turns out that Little Rock is 3 hours away from Jackson. (Nashville is only 2) Anyway, day 1 in Jackson, we secured an apartment and bought new furniture. Since we were supposed to be there 3 days, we had to find something else to do.So my dad being... dad, decided to drive about 45 minutes to Big Cypress State Park. When we got there we were all a little confused because first it was very small, the bathrooms were locked, and we saw 3 cypress trees. It was a neat little park though equipped with a baseball/softball field, a basketball court and a nice trail ( maybe a mile and a half long). We left there, drove back to Jackson and had a pretty amazing dinner at a catfish place we found. Going home, I knew that I had a lot of work ahead of me. I didn't really unpack from when I came home from Denton because I mean really what was the point? The next day I tried to start packing but I was sooo unmotivated. I had so much to do including getting a new computer (mine died). Moving day came soon enough. I got up pretty early, started packing and loading in my car. We were finally off about 1 o'clock, stopped by best buy (to pick up my new computer) and starbucks (coffee is a must have on a 12 hour drive) and left Houston. My  mom and I thought that we could just go straight through without stopping and since we already had my keys to my apt we wouldn't have to get a hotel. Yay, we got to Mississippi (8 hours later) and had to stop. We were so tired that we didn't even care that the hotel we stayed at didnt have hot water. (I didn't even bring anything in except for Bone Crusher) Speaking of Bone, she is my guinea pig that I inherited from Salah (here is a pic)
I love her! Anyway, going back to the story, we finally got to Jackson just in time for my mattress to be delivered and my cable/internet to be turned on. Exhausted, my mom and I didn't want to do anything except for take showers and eat. The next two days we went shopping and then Monday morning I took her to the Nashville airport. It was just me now. I have never lived alone, but I must say, I really enjoy it. I miss everyone from Houston and seeing people basically anytime that I want, but this time I think is going to be very good for me to grow immensely as a person. Well, I should get back to work. I do have a job now and I do some I will write and let everyone know what I do during my internship at a later date (possibly tomorrow). Everyone have an amazing day! I will leave you all with a quote :

                    Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.  ~Berthold Auerbach